Spring is fully here, along with sometimes crazy weather that keeps us on our toes. A couple weeks ago we were watching the rain clouds come down off the hills into the valley so we would have a bit of warning to run for the greenhouses before the heavy rain (or in the case of this picture- hail) came down. We know we need the rain though, so we keep busy up-potting starts, weeding or seeding inside, then head out again in between downpours. We are loving the beautiful weather we have had this week and are thrilled that we had a block of time to get some BIG planting projects done.

Of course with spring come all the new growth - all the hope put into each seed planted shows with an abundance of new green. This picture here shows artichoke starts ready to get transplanted to the field. There is also another new addition in the picture if you look close - a newly hatched Praying Mantid! These workhorses are 3rd generation born and raised on our farm, they love hunting the 'bad bugs' in the green houses. You can pick up your very own Mantid Egg case for your garden at our stand at the Market.

Our new lawn mowers have arrived as well! A sure sign it is spring. Each year we are host to three cows and three lambs that arrive in April and feast on our lush grass and organic produce until November. These gentlemen are one year old short horn bulls and are adapting well to their new space. The lambs will be arriving soon.

And finally for today we would like to give a HUGE thank you to Carter and Sylo. These two wonderful friends were instrumental in preparing the farm this winter for us to have a wonderful season this year. They willingly helped to do anything and everything (seen here cleaning the tractor) from weeding and planting to roof repair, storage room cleaning and digging out blackberries! We can not thank them enough for all their hard work and are sad to see them go. However, we wish them both the best in their new adventures and are truly grateful for their hard work this winter.